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Welcome to the website of the music publisher Dr. J. Butz!

Dr. J. Butz is a long-established specialist publisher of vocal, choral and organ music from the 17th to the 21st centuries.

We invite you to look around our website: the buttons on the top left of the page guide you through the main information about the company and its programme. Clicking on the yellow buttons under the image bar leads you to more detailed information.

We hope you enjoy browsing our catalogue, which contains more than 2,900 titles available for immediate delivery; all of the listings offer sample pages.

Our updated catalogue with 17 new editions is online!


Complete new publications 2024/I are now online!
(with score samples)

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The printed edition of our new complete catalogue as well as our last catalogue excerpt are now available and will be sent to you free of charge on request.

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Organ Calendar Germany 2025


Following the highly successful organ calendars of the last years, the new 2025 calendar is a feast for the eyes for all organ lovers.
Fascinating, new shiny photographs of 13 German organs from different periods and regions, by the organist and photographer Gabriel Dessauer.
A welcome companion through the year for all organ and church music lovers.

Price: € 9,90
ISBN 978-3-928412-84-1

→ Details

Olivier Latry: "At the Organ of Notre-Dame"


Conversations with Stéphane Friédérich
Translated by Martin Setchell

Catalogue no. BuB 32
ISBN: 978-3-928412-32-2
Price: € 15,–

→ Details

ONLY from Butz-Verlag:
Organ stop key fob


For your own keys, or for the church keys: this unique keyring pendant styled as an organ stop tab is a real eye-catcher.
You can choose between „Flöte 8'“ and „Oboe 8'“ - please cite your choice of stop when you order.

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Carsten Klomp: "Organ Playing from the Very Beginning"


pdf Playing the organ with no previous experience on the piano – unthinkable! Unthinkable? The seasoned organ teacher Carsten Klomp challenges this misconception with his new organ course for beginners that requires no previous theoretical or practical knowledge. Now available in English, translated and adapted by Andrew Sims.

108 pages (with CD)
Catalogue no. BU 2990
ISBN: 978-3-928412-90-2
Price: € 32,–

Jenny Setchell: "Enigmatic Variations. Puzzles for musicians"


pdf The question is: how to pass the time? - The answer: It's in this book!
“Enigmatic Variations - Puzzles for Musicians” is a light-hearted but beautifully presented book of brain-teasers, entertaining puzzles, logic problems, crosswords, codes, spot-the-difference, wordsearch, letter drop and more. All these musically themed mind-benders will appeal to those who spend time waiting to perform, teach, or rehearse – or simply, anyone who enjoys puzzles. The book can be slipped into a music case and the pages folded back for easy use. The answers and grids to help solve logic problems and cryptic crossword puzzles are available online.

48 pages
ISBN: 978-0-473-54075-3
Price: € 14,–

Jenny Setchell: Organs & Organists. Their Inside Stories


Here's a book two kinds of people have been waiting for:
a) organists, b) non-organists.
Organists won’t be able to stop laughing, and will be grateful for the way a famous author understands their joys and sorrows.
And the interested non-organist will get surprising answers to everything about the organ and those who play it – answers that will completely and forever change the way they see a supposedly "boring" instrument.
The book offers few words, but more than 450 fascinating photos and new cartoons.
It is the ultimate humorous declaration of love to the "King of Instruments"!

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→ Sample pages

Price: € 32.00 (hardcover, 180 x 180 mm format, 416 p., more than 400 full-colour photos and cartoons)
Catalogue no.: BuB 21

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Mon.-Fri. 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. (CET) or by arrangement.

If you have any questions we will be happy to do whatever we can to help! Your comments and thoughts are always appreciated.

You are also welcome to visit our premises in Bonn-Beuel:


Musikverlag Dr. J. Butz
(St. Paulus, Bonn-Beuel)

Siegburger Straße 73
53229 Bonn

Tel.: +49-228-946 949 24
Fax: +49-228-946 949 25