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Anniversaries of composers' births and deaths offer excellent opportunities to spotlight their works in services or concerts, to revisit old friends and to perform pieces for the first time.

Here are compositions by this year's "anniversary composers" to be found in our catalogue.

Anniversaries 2024

Bruckner, Anton 1824–1896 200th birthday
Cochereau, Pierre 1924–1984 100th birthday and 40th anniversary of death
Dubois, Théodore 1837–1924 100th anniversary of death
Fauré, Gabriel 1845–1924 100th anniversary of death
Puccini, Giacomo 1858–1924 100th anniversary of death
Smetana, Bedrich 1824–1884 200th anniversary
Stanford, Charles Villiers 1852–1924 100th anniversary of death
Widor, Charles Marie 1844–1937 180th anniversary

Anniversaries 2025

Bizet, Georges 1838–1875 150th anniversary of death
Bossi, Enrico 1861–1925 100th anniversary of death
Gigout, Eugène 1844–1925 100th anniversary of death
Hammerschmidt, Andreas 1611–1675 350th anniversary of death
Ravel, Maurice 1875–1937 150th anniversary
Salieri, Antonio 1750–1825 200th anniversary of death
Satie, Erik 1866–1925 100th anniversary of death
Schneider, Enjott *1950 75th anniversary
Strauß, Johann 1825–1899 200th anniversary